
pedar®-x, pedar-x Recorder, pedar posturo, and pedoport Software

The pedar®-x data acquisition software contains many helpful and user friendly options for fast pressure data collection and presentation. Flexibility in display of the real-time pressure pictures and graphs makes the software an ideal tool for clinical, research, or education. Automatic storage of the data gives the user the ability to review previous data collections quickly and easily.
- 2D or 3D or isobar display
- numeric display
- animation of the pressure data
- contact phases
- maximum pressure picture (MPP)
- step selection
- step timing analysis
- force- and pressure-time integral
- comparison for pre/post difference picture
- averaged and individual gait lines
- ASCII output
- links to novel databases
- automatic data exchange between PDA and PC
- synchronises with EMG and video based gait analysis systems
- dynamic and frame by frame playback
- pressure values for each sensor
- Center of pressure (COP)
- adjustable sampling rate
- 4 definable regions for calculations
- combine insole sizes
- Step analysis
- simultaneous display of 2D, 3D, or isobar for each step
- filter data
pedar-x Recorder
The pedar recorder software option allows automatic synchronization between the pressure data and digital video collected to the same computer. This provides easy and immediate synchronized playback of the pressure and video data. This is very useful in providing gait or movement feedback to patient or athlete. novel player software can be used with these synchronized files to create a video file (avi) of the pressure, video, EMG, etc. that can be played in a PC's media player.
Click here to learn more.
pedar posturo
Most posturography systems measure the change in the Center of Force (CoF) over time. The displacement of the CoF in the x and y direction over time is only calculated from the total force measured under both feet and does not describe the exact participation of each foot. By measuring the pressure distribution underneath the feet, the pedar posturo system allows not only to measure the force balance between the left and the right foot, but also to determine which part of the foot is contributing to the balance.
This is possible because the forces are calculated from many sensors arranged in a sensor matrix. Local forces such as those under the forefoot, toes or heels can be measured and how much each segment contribute to the dynamic balance of the body can be analyzed. The pedar posturo software calculates many parameters such as CoF/CoP, forces within masks, time processes, direction of motion, numerical eccentricity, area of CoF/CoP motion, and more. It is also possible to track the CoP of each individual foot in bipedal stance to analyze the motor function of each foot individually and compare it with unipedal stance.
Long-term load monitoring is an important part of post surgery treatment for patients who are advised by health care professionals to load the rehabilitating extremity with a specific load to stimulate bone growth. The individual is advised to load the limb with certain force without overloading it. In occupational medicine the load on workers who transfer heavy product needs to be monitored. Load can also be a significant parameter on the human body in biomechanical research. Long-term pressure monitoring for people who are at risk for foot ulceration may help to prevent amputations. In these examples, it is important for the individual to move freely during routine work and for the monitoring to be conducted over a long period of time without interruption. The pedoport® software family operates the pedar®-x system as a long-term monitor for force and pressure. The easy to use software measures the left, right, or both feet and stores the calculated total force or peak pressure in the pedar®-x system's flash memory. Depending on the adjusted scanning rate and the selected number of areas, the software can store the data for a long period of time. For example, full speed scanning at 100 Hz and two selected areas left and right foot will provide more than 25 hours of storage time. Force and pressure are calculated from calibrated sensors, as with all novel systems.
Bodyweight is measured with pedar®-x independently from the foot to ground contact area and includes all phases of the foot roll-over process.
The pedoport software is available in 5 versions:
pedoport® LMF
- Monitors total force, left and right foot
pedoport® LMFS
- Monitors total force, left and right foot
- Supplies signal for reaching desired load and warning signal for overload
pedoport® LMP
- Monitors peak pressure in 4 selectable areas
pedoport® LMPS
- Monitors peak pressure in 2 selectable areas
- Supplies warning signal for overriding overload
pedoport® IFS
- Intelligent foot switch function
- Monitors total force or peak pressure of 8 selectable areas
- Supplies switching signal output for gait analysis systems and EMG

Download Brochures
pedar-x (1 mb)
posturography (281 kb)
pedography overview (1.48 mb)
loadsol (245 kb)
loadsol rehab (222 kb)
loadsol golf (208 kb)
pedoport (352 kb)
pedar HowTo data collection guide (2 mb)
pedar guide (17 kb)
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